2024 Conference

Exploring Identity and Virtue in the Context of Human-AI Interaction

Ljubljana, Slovenia (venue: National Museum of Slovenia – Metelkova in the Metelkova museum district)

May 30 – 31, 2024

We are delighted to announce a conference that will delve into the convoluted relationship between identity and virtue(s), emphasizing their manifestations in human-AI interaction. The conference theme includes three interconnected domains, namely:

  1. the interplay between identity and virtue(s) in humans,
  2. the importance of virtues in human-AI interaction, online environments, and consequences for identity,
  3. the plausibility of attributing virtue(s) and identity to AI-based systems or AI-based robots.

Conference progam

9:30-9:40Opening remarks
9:40-10:20Eugen Dolezal(&Christoph Spöck): Silicon Souls: Should AI Dream of Identity and Virtues?
10:20-11:00Michael Paskaru: Exploring Identity and Virtue in the Context of Human-AI Interaction, Intuitive Judgments of Awareness in AI Systems
11:00-11:40Mateja Centa Strahovnik, Vojko Strahovnik: AI and Epistemic Identity: Reflections on the Impact and Implications of our Interaction with AI
Coffee break
12:00-12:40Diana Daly: Disinforming, Debunking, Detecting and Prebunking: Creative Conversation Beyond the LLM
12:40-13:20Noreen van Elk: Whose Knowledge? Which Epistemology? A Critical Decolonial Approach to the Use of AI-based Technologies in Higher Education
13:20-14:00Ivan Cerovac: Epistemic Democracy in a Digital Era
15:00-15:40Dušan Rebolj: Epistemic Courage about AI
15:40-16:20Tomislav Furlanis: Ethical Human-AI Symbiosis
Short break
16:30-17:10Łukasz Białkowski: Do We Really Need Empathy in Art Experience? Status and Role of Artworks in Transferring Emotions and Intentions in a Context of AI-made Art Development
17:10-17:50José Antonio Pérez-Escobar(&Deniz Sarikaya): Be Careful What you Wish for: Philosophy of Language/Mathematics and AI Safety

9:30-10:10Marko Robnik-Šikonja: Safety Datasets for Large Language Models
10:10-10:50Saša Poljak Lukek: Transforming Psychotherapy: The Promise and Ethical Challenges of Conversational Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health Care
10:50-11:30  Jonas Miklavčič: Human-Like AI as a Challenge to the Credibility of Human Identity
Coffee break
11:50-12:30Gerard Gentry: Virtue and Two-Kinds of Artificial Intelligence: Differentiating Non-Agential Mimetic Acts from Non-Self-Conscious Agency
12:30-13:10Anita Lunić: Virtue in the Age of AI: Exploring the Gap Between Value Alignment and Virtue Attribution
13:10-13:50Roman Globokar: Emphasis on Virtues in the Catholic Church’s Reflection on the use of AI
13:50-14:20Discussion and concluding remarks
Lunch at 14:20

Program committee

Vojko Strahovnik
Head of Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Director of the Centre for Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence and the Ethics of New Technologies

Mateja Centa Strahovnik
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Leader of the research programme The Intersection of Virtue, Experience, and Digital Culture: Ethical and Theological Insights

Jonas Miklavčič
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana

Contact person

Matej Kapus
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

About the Venue

National Museum of Slovenia – Metelkova
The new venue of the National Museum of Slovenia is housed in the ex-barracks complex on Metelkova street. The transformation of the one-hundred-year-old barracks complex, comprising the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum, The Museum of Contemporary Art, The Slovenian Cinemateque and the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, was designed by the local Architectural Bureau Groleger and Miroslav Kvas. In the glass-clad extension the Museum building has a string of restoration workshops as well as a lecture room, while the exhibition galleries are on the ground floor (for temporary exhibitions and displays) and on the first and the second floors the permanent exhibition History and Arts Collections.

(images courtesy of: National Museum of Slovenia)